
At The Fetal Clinic, our aim is to disseminate the knowledge and skills as far as possible. This is one of our missions.

As in any branch of medicine, a variety of teaching-learning methods need to be employed to get a holistic knowledge-transfer. Hence, we have small group learning sessions in the form of workshops to complement the annual CMEs.

Our FEMPO workshops are designed to enhance your skills, deepen your understanding, and fine-tune the clinical concepts such that your practice stays state of the art. True to its meaning, our workshops are small-group, focussed, hands-on, interactive educational sessions and hence the registrations are very limited, per session.

If you are interested to attend a future edition, please mail to us at We will intimate you when the next workshop happens so that you can plan ahead.

Come, let us learn together!

Upcoming Event: Fetal Growth and Doppler

Fetal Growth Restriction affects nearly 35% of pregnancies in Indian population. There are two distinct types – early and late.

While early FGR is well recognised and easily diagnosed, late FGR contributes to the unexplained late stillbirth burden as it is not a well recognised entity and hence not diagnosed on time in the vast majority. The management of these two conditions differ significantly.

With the advent of Doppler and our further understanding of the pathological processes, we are now at a stage when technology combined with clinical expertise can be deployed to prevent morbidity and mortality from Fetal Growth Restriction.

The workshop “Fetal Growth and Doppler” is designed to enhance your understanding of the disease, to improve your skills in performance of Doppler and to perfect your interpretation of Doppler in the management of FGR.

The program is suitable for all obstetricians, postgraduates in obstetrics, radiologists, postgraduates in radiology, sonologists, neonatologists and perinatologists.

to 12. 

Past Workshops

Workshop NoWorkshop NameDelegatesFacultyStationsDate
13D / 4D in ObGyn524May 2018
2Basic Fetal Echocardiography1466July 2018
3Fetal Growth and Doppler1456Aug 2018
4Fetal Growth and Doppler55710Nov 2018
5Aneuploidy Screening1341Jan 2019
63D/4D in ObGyn833Sep 2019
7Twins1208NoneNov 2019