Category: Blogs

When we talk of pregnancy outcome, there are two parts to this wonderful biologic event: a safe mother and a healthy baby. Often the wellness of the mother and the baby are interlinked but it is not a rule. In over 85% of all pregnancies, the result is a safe and healthy mom and child, […]
In general, when a high-quality target scan is normal, the chance of major issues with the baby is low during pregnancy. However, the baby continues to grow and develop for the next 20 weeks or so inside the womb and needs to be monitored. When the mother’s condition is normal and regular visits with the […]
Again, these are different terminologies roughly denoting the extensive examination of the fetus and pregnancy that is done around the 20th week of pregnancy. At the Fetal Clinic, we refer this as “Target Scan” Our target scan has five major objectives and the examination is oriented towards these: 1. How is the support system for […]
No, it is not mandatory that you should undergo Down Syndrome screening. You can understand about Down Syndrome and the detection tests available, and then you can decide if you want to undergo the screening test. Remember screening tests are indirect. A screen positive result does not mean the baby is affected. A screen positive […]
The Fetal Clinic follows a standard Down Syndrome screening Program. The screening test is offered to all women: the preferred screening test is the First Trimester Screening test (or the combined screening test) This can be done when the length of the baby is between 45 and 84 mm (we prefer the length to be […]
Down syndrome can be detected before birth to a large extent. Because it is a chromosomal disorder, the only way to confirm that a baby has or has not Down Syndrome is to test the baby’s cells for its chromosomes. However, since this kind of direct testing is costly and adds a very slightly increased […]
Down syndrome is a disorder caused by the abnormal extra copy of the 21st chromosome. Because of the presence of this extra chromosome, several abnormalities may be produced in the individual: most commonly a subnormal intelligence, defects in the heart, abnormalities of intestine, childhood leukemia, early Alzheimer’s disease etc. The degree of mental retardation is […]
Nuchal translucency [NT] is the ultrasound appearance of the fluid behind a baby’s neck. This fluid appearance is present in all fetuses. During the first trimester screening test, we measure the thickness of this fluid. We follow a very strict procedure in measuring this thickness because, firstly it is a tiny measurement [in millimeter] and […]
You should undergo the “first trimester screening” or commonly referred to as FTS, between 11 weeks and 13 weeks – 6 days, when the baby’s length (denoted by CRL, crown rump length) is between 45mm and 84mm. There are three broad aspects of FTS performed at The Fetal Clinic: 1. Firstly, after a thorough analysis […]
These are various terminologies roughly denoting the same aspect of fetal evaluation. Firstly we need to understand what is Down Syndrome and why some parents may prefer to screen for it during pregnancy. Screening test means a test that will tell you if you have or don’t have, a higher than average chance of having […]