Down Syndrome Screening

Our Service Portfolio

ServicePeriod of PregnancyDescription Average duration of ScanThroughput time for Patient (time between entering and exiting the clinic)
B. Down Syndrome Screening
1. First trimester combined screening test11weeks – 13 weeks 6 days [CRL 45 – 84 mm]Assesses the chance of baby having Down syndrome in your particular case;
Offered to all eligible pregnancies
In addition to the first trimester screening scan, blood will be drawnReport from Lab indicating the chance of Down Syndrome takes about 7 working days
2. Quadruple screening test16 – 21 weeks [BPD 32 – 54mm]Offered to women who missed the FTS Before drawing blood, fetal head size will be noted.
5-10 min
Lab will report in about 7 working days
3. Non-invasive screening by fetal DNA10 weeks – 18 weeksA highly sensitive screenig test using baby’s DNA that is found in mother’s blood. Pretest counseling is mandatoryBlood draw.
A detailed EPAS or Target scan as per gestation is mandatory
14 working days